Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Deep thoughts

     I had an interesting thought this morning. I posed a question to people on facebook asking them, if money was not an object, what would you do with your life?  I was really curious what people would say. Would they want to buy things, spend time with loved ones, give to others either in money or in time?  The answers were pretty much what I predicted.

     Most people would travel, spend time with loved ones, buy the things they needed. This is what I was hoping to find out. Are we a caring society still or have we become a me, me, I, I, society. This is the true question.

     The interesting thing that I saw while I was in treatment was that some had this way of thinking. They kept talking about how we needed to think of ourselves, and to an extent, I agreed. But the way they were teaching, was that we should only ever think of ourselves. That life should be about what we want, feel, need, and desire.

     That has become the common theme now days. You see so many people walking around hurting and you see people just ignore that hurt. I don't think they do it on purpose. I believe that people in general are hurting in some way. They may be lonely, have financial needs, family problems, divorce or whatever else brings hurt into their lives. That type of hurt makes it hard to see the needs of others. And who teaches us differently? 

     God designed us in such  a way that we need others in our lives. Technology has begun to take that place for us. We get so wrapped up in TV programs, computers, games, cell phones. It is everywhere.  It has taken the place of relationships. I see it daily, people out to dinner together and no one talking but everyone on there cell phones. Family night is watching TV in separate rooms. Spending time together is riding in the car to the same place.

     Is that what we have become? Is that what we want to be? My grandmother was a loving person. And she had a great idea for us growing up. We were only allowed to be exposed to "technology", for one hour a day. The rest of the time we were to spend time with each other and playing outside. It was a way of keeping us connected to each other. Who wouldn't want that? But it is missing in our society today.

     Yesterday as we were driving, we found a woman lying on the ground. She had broken her nose and was just laying there in her blood. People drove by or walked by and didn't do anything. We stopped and checked her. Ed called 911 and we stayed with her until they arrived. I felt so sad for her. I wondered how long she had lay there before we came along.

     This is what lead me to ask the question, if money were no object, what would you do?  The responses were varied. Some responded by saying that they would do for themselves and others responded by saying they would help others. It was what I expected. Some people find in themselves that innate need to help others. It is what drives me to do what I do. I always try to think of others before myself.

     It is not a bad thing to want to do for yourself. I am learning this slowly. But in learning this I must realize that I need to also help others. Its finding the balance that is the tricky part. We all need to learn this for ourselves. It makes life so much easier when we can do this. Through treatment, I am learning that balance in all areas of life is the key to finding yourself much happier. This includes in my eating.

     I see so much sadness in this life, sadness not caused by death alone, but by betrayal, anger, hate, meanness and just flat out evil.  People can be so cruel in their words and actions, so negative in what they say, not realizing what a blessing life is. People truly believe that having money, or stuff is what will make them happy. It isn't. Rich people are not truly happy. Look deeper inside of you. What do you truly value? Those are the things you should live for if money were of no matter.

     This is what I want to live for. I want to live for God, family, love, friends and yes, to serve others. It is not hard. I have been doing some of it for a long time. It is now my job to find the balance, to be loving and giving to those who are part of my family first. That is where I failed before. I was always doing for others first to the detriment of my family and friends. No longer an option for me.

     How about you?


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