Monday, July 2, 2012

Christ, The note by which my life becomes a symphony.

I have been singing since I first new I could according to my family. I would sing to entertain them and their friends. My grandmother would play the organ, and I would sing. I sang every chance I got.
As I got older, I began to sing at school. This is when I first learned that there were notes to music and that if they somehow weren't right, the whole song could be ruined. We have all heard it at sometime, a musical note thats off key, or someone who is off pitch. It throws off the song and makes what is meant to be beautiful, a little less.
The same could be said of life. God is the master musician. He writes the music. Jesus is the symphony leader. He plays the note by which every other instrument must tune its self. If you get off key ( out of alignment with God's plan for your life) you throw off your whole symphony. The music becomes jumbled and throws off the other instruments in the orchestra.
Once this happens, you become frustrated and no longer want to play or sing. I have sung the wrong words or note before. When I was younger, I would just stop and then cry. As I got older, I realized that the only person who knew I messed up was me. Of course my choir mates or instructor knew, but the audience had no clue. I could just keep going, move on from the mistake and finish the song.
I believe the same could be said of life. If we mess up, walk away from God or do something we know is wrong, most times the only one who knows this is us. This doesn't mean we get away with it, if we are walking right with God. It just means that it can be between us and our God. We can ask for forgiveness and continue on with our life with out skipping a beat.
Its when we get caught up in that mistake, embrace it, and acccept the lie that it is who we are, that everyone around us begins to notice. They see that we are not walking the way we should or they see the outward change. But this is not what God wants for us.
There are times in life when people come into our symphony to intentially try to mess it up. Whether it is because of jealousy, anger, hatred or simply because they choose to follow the lead of satan, it doesn't matter. We have a choice. We can give in and follow the wrong notes and play along with them, or we can do what we know is right. We can continue the song the way the Master intended it to be. You see, its our choice. We cannot blame others if we choose to go off key.
In the past month and a half, we have had others come into our orchestra and play some very bad notes. We could have followed because they played them very loud and very publicly, but we choose to continue to follow our God. He is the Master of our symphany. We follow His teaching and remember His notes. It is when we do this that we walk in real love. We allow forgiveness towards those who would try to throw us off key to walk out in our lives. It isn't easy but it is always the right way. We must forgive others so we can be forgiven.
God sent his son for our forgiveness so that we could live an abundant life. We could get on our knees, ask for forgiveness, and then move on from there. Its in this that we can let others know that there is a way. There is forgiveness and life. Peace and Love. Thats what God has to offer. He is the Composer of our life. We just need to decide if we are going to listen to His Son, and follow the music He has written for our life, or if we will listen to the devil and let him tell us we messed up and ruin God's song.

My Choice????   Keep on SINGING!!!!!!