Monday, March 21, 2011

You are loved

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Gal, 5:24-25 "Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature." Rom. 13:14

Ok, we spend so much time trying to fit into what society wants us to look like, dress like, act like. I used to be so worried about what I looked like to the public. I was always on this diet or that, coloring my hair, perming it, straightening it, buying what everyone else was wearing. Why do we run around driving ourselves crazy trying to fit into some mold?
I have always been so worried about trying to make others like me that I would be the one to always make peace, talk first, or try to smooth things over. I was a door mat to other peoples attitudes. I would get so frustrated. I would be mad inside all the time but try to act peaceful out side. I was so focused on what others thought of me or what I saw in the mirror.
God calls us to focus on Him. If we look to what God has for us, focus on Him and not the world, we will be so much happier. If I stop trying to be in control, trying to fit into that mold, and look to what God calls me to, I won't feel like I am always lacking. It is our human nature to worry what others think, but as we focus more on God, those feelings will fade. Our confidence is in Christ.
With our focus on Christ, our attitudes towards our self will change. We will walk and talk without the fear of rejection. Christ will strengthen us even in times when we feel like we are insufficient. we can boldly profess who we are. There will be no condemnation towards us. When we stop worrying about what others think about us, we can be free to go places and say things we were afraid to before.
As I grow and mature in Christ, I am finding more of a willingness to do what God calls me to do. I used to fear getting in front of others and speaking of my faith. I didn't want to be ashamed of my lack of knowledge. The answer to that is to study His word daily. As I read more and learn more, I find I fall more in love with the Father who created me. He is leading me into greater things. He blesses me in more ways then I ever expected. I truly desire to serve God in anyway He calls me.
I guess what I want to tell you is that you are important. You were created by an awesome God. He loved you so much that He made you uniquely you. There is no other person like you. Walk in that knowledge and know that you don't have to fit a mold to be loved. God loves you just that way you are.

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