Monday, March 7, 2011

Cover of a book

I am an avid reader. I love anything about history. I read mostly Christian historical romance. When I go to the library, I find myself choosing books by what the cover looks like. If it doesn't catch my eye, I won't take it. I rarely read what the back cover says.
So as I was laying in bed this morning, again God shows me this little example. I look at people and if they aren't appealing, they just go back on the shelf so to speak. What I mean is, if they don't appeal to me in their attitudes, speech or sometimes the way they dress, I tend not to give them much attention. I think most of society thinks this way. We all have our idea of what types of friends we want, who we hang out with, and yes who we will even speak to at times. Now just to clear the record, I do talk to everyone, but there are very few who get to really know me.
As I thought about this, I was a little saddend. I began to wonder how many wonderful people I missed getting to know. How many people had something very valuable to say but they didn't have the right cover. I didn't bother to look any further. I just walked away and never really took the time to get to know them.
I believe God gives us experiences in our lives so that we can help others. So if I choose to walk away, I may miss an opportunity to share God with them. Maybe they have experienced similar things in their lives and don't feel worthy of Gods forgiveness or mercy. If everyone else is walking around like I am and not looking beyond the cover, then a very good story could be missed. This is not what God created me for.
So I am making a concious effort to really look at people. To read the back cover an even open the book. Not all stories are fairy tells but they still need to be told. Sometimes that is the only way a person can heal. It may be an ugly story, but that doesn't make the person ugly.
The mercy I show to others may be just what they need so that they can go on with life. Maybe they just need someone to hear them. Someone to listen to there story and then tell them the greatest story ever told. The story of Jesus Christ. How God sent His only son to die for all that ugly story in their life. To cleanse them and set them free. I have experienced that story in my life and I should be bursting at the seams to share it with everyone I come into contact with. I am hoping my blog will give me that chance.
For now it is easier for me to write it then to speak it. This doesn't mean I won't speak it, I am reading God's word everyday so that I can be a vessel for His use. Thank you Father God for your love and mercy. Help me to be a tool you can use. Let me look beyond the cover and into the stories waiting to be told.

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