Tuesday, August 25, 2020


     How many of you have felt this way recently? Like you just skimmed out of 2019, maybe limping a bit, and were so looking forward to 2020 only to feel like you jumped out of the frying pan and straight into the fire. How many have lost their job, the dreams they had, a business?  There are thousands I know. This year has defeated so many.

      I am not writing this to give a message of defeat, but one of hope. How many have lost their faith in God because things didn't turn out the way they wanted? Maybe you lost everything you owned, your business, your hopes and dreams! So what did you do? Give up your faith, lose hope, let darkness walk in? It's easy to have this happen to us you know. I am not standing in judgement because believe me you, I have felt defeat so deep I thought I would lose my life over it.

     So what is this hope I speak of? Well I'll tell you what it isn't first. It isn't some quick fix, one and done, magic little pill, book, or plan. It is a truly deep, bone deep faith in God. Its fixing my eyes on Him no matter what life is throwing at me. Its having the strength to hold on even when life is battering me to death! And let me tell you, I have been beaten worse than some, but not as bad as others.

     I have experienced hard losses. I've lost jobs, homes, cars, personal belongings, loved ones, even my dreams of what I thought life would be like. I've stood on the threshold of giving up my faith and turning my back on God. Losses so deep that you question if there really is a God or do people just have good or bad luck?  I've looked up into the heavens and shouted at God to give me some proof that He even cares that I exist.

     God answered, and in ways I would never have noticed if I was to turn my heart to stone and not listen for that still small voice. I am living proof that God is real. I have seen miracles in circumstances that there should have been no way a positive could come out.  I have seen evil win victories over good, but I know why this happens. It is because earth is where satan can have power. Power to kill, steal, and destroy. TO take what is meant for good and turn it to bad.

     I have also seen God take those bad things and in turn make the messes into blessings. I've seen doors close and hopelessness slip into the very depth of my being, only to be reminded who is in charge, who is fighting in my corner, and the blessing that comes in staying steadfast.  The windows that are opened because doors were closed. The people who have left my life that were only bringing negativity and doubt, to be replaced by those who would build me up in ways that I could truly see God's hand in.

     Loss can drive us into dark, dark places if we let it, but that is not what God wants for us. We can feel that loss, and then let it go. Know that a door is closing only for a better door to open up if we will just keep walking and not give up. To believe we could never be triumphant in a battle that looks to have already been lost. That there is no hope, no way, no chance.

     Remember the disciples on the raging see, the men in the burning furnace, Jonah in the belly of the whale, the Israelite's between the walls of the  Red Sea, Mary at the foot of the Cross, Jesus in the tomb, and many, many more Bible truths? People who have been given terminal diagnosis, people who have died and come back, loss that was turned into victory.  All of these stories have one thing in common, and that is faith, hope, and belief in God.

     These are all examples of what God can do in your life if you will just turn to him, believe, trust and have faith. Not run when things get tough but to stand firm and know that He has your back. To fight through the bad, scary, loss of what you thought would be, and know better is coming.

     If someone told you that you could not do something would you just give up? Would you believe them? Would you just stop, turn around, and never try?  I am so glad that I never did. I have been told awful things. Told I would never succeed, that I was not a good person, that I would fail, that I could not do things. I chose not to listen, not believe that the lie. I am calling you to step into faith and not into fear. Do not listen to the lies satan is telling you.

     I am choosing to be a light, to allow God to use me in powerful ways, even when the world says I am worthless, that I will never be able to do the things that God has said I will do in His name. I am not perfect, but I am perfected in Christ. He in me is what I strive for daily. I pray that I can be a used in a way to bring Glory to His Kingdom.

     Lord, let me always have the faith I need and to let me stay out of the way so that You can do what You promised. Move me where you want me to be. Let me reflect You in the way I walk, the way I believe, the way I live.  Let me show those around me who may be feeling defeated that in You, they can rest and know that all things work to good for those who love You. Let me shine your light into this dark world.  Let the defeat they feel become a Victory in YOU!!!  Let them see your blessing. Help turn their mess into a message!!!

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