"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?" 1Corinthians 6:19.
We are called to Honor God because we belong to Him. Now days we fail to realize that our ancestors fought and paid a price in blood so that we could have freedom. Some of us have decided that we can do life on our own terms. We don't need to rely on God. But our country was founded and based on living our lives for God,
When we first came to this country, it was to get away from religious oppression that the British were pushing on to people. We fought for the freedom from slavery. We have gone into foreign countries and even fought for their freedom. But now we see society turning from God. That is not working so great for our country as evidenced in the daily barrage of evil we see in the news. We have committed spiritual suicide by pulling away from what was once a part of almost every home in America.
Have you ever heard that you were purchased? Does that bring to mind being a slave, belonging or being a possession, do you feel that is a form of oppression. Or when you hear that do you feel like you are liberated, exhilarated knowing that God wants to claim you? That is what we should feel. We are the temple for the Holy Spirit, a helper God gave to us to make it through this world.
"You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9
What an awesome thing to hear. That not only are we a chosen people, but one chosen by God Himself. He wanted us. He loves us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His Son so that we could have life with him. We were purchased at a high price, the price of Jesus' blood. Can you think of anyone in this world that would do that for you, or that you would do that for? What a prize. How cherished that makes me feel.
So knowing that we are a treasure to God frees us from that constant need to be what the world says we have to be. We do not have to be perfect, thin, smart, tall, rich or any of the things the world says gives us worth. Our worth is already there. God found us so worthy that He gave us life. He wanted us to be here at this time, in this place with these people. And that doesn't mean life is going to be easy. Oh No.
You see, in order to have freedom, a battle must be fought. That doesn't mean that we win a battle and it is all over. Just like in most countries, there can be multiple battles that we must face. But with each victory or even with defeat, we are winners. Unlike what the world says, when we are defeated is when God can walk in and do the most work. Its in our defeat that we are humbled enough to hear His gentle voice calling us to Him. The noise of the world sometimes drown His voice out, but when we find ourselves defeated, we can hear Him.
In todays day and age, we are bombarded with messages saying that we should think of ourselves, or that we can be self sufficient. You don't find many people willing to help others out unless there is something in it for them. Acts of kindness are so rare and when I am out shopping I have actually had people be extremely rude to me. People who are being paid to do a job. Wow. Our country has made a sharp downward turn just in my lifetime.
When I was little, my grandparents, parents and family were always doing things together or for each other. They did it for others as well. They gave their time, money and attention. And they did it all without expecting anything in return. I do the same thing now but it is getting harder and harder to do. People don't appreciate when you do something nice for them most of the time. It's almost like they expect it or that they think they deserve it.
The other day my son and I were at Wal-Mart when an elderly lady was struggling with her cart. She had purchased 2 big cases of water. I asked her if we could help her to her car. She looked at me stunned. She said, "you don't work here." I told her no we didn't but we would be more than happy to help her. We got her cart to her car and loaded her groceries. She was so happy. That was all the reward I needed. To see her smile.
It is in serving others that I find my reward. That I find freedom that comes from knowing that I am doing what God calls me to be. I lived in the chaos that the world pressured me into before. I fell for the lies that I must look a certain way, work a certain job, have possessions, be rich, smart, funny and on all the time, but God grants me mercy and grace. I don't have to be anything for Him to love me. I just need to believe in Him. Freedom.
Have a blessed day.
Dear heavenly Father, I pray for all of those who are seeking freedom from the stress of this world. I pray that they would find you, give their lives to you and in that find true freedom. Lord I ask that you keep them safe from the lies that the world tells us. That they would be able to accept themselves the way you made them. Thank you for blessing us with another day. Keep watch over my family and friends Amen.
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