Ok so now I am learning to have a right relationship with food, so what do I do to make sure that I am feeding it and using wisdom to do so? That is the tough question here. We are told to be anxious for nothing, and that makes sense, but when you are trying to find your way to healthy, you tend to be anxious about certain situations that involve food. How do you do this and not be anxious you might ask? The answer might seem easy, but it is one I know I have struggled with.
I am learning that my guide to eating healthy is to consider what it is that I am going to be putting into my body. Not to be anxious about it or to worry about what it might be, but to truly think about and consider what it is I am doing. I need to be thankful that I have a wide variety of food available to me on a daily basis. This may not be true for everyone, so this is where true consideration must come in. You need to ensure that the food you are choosing are foods that will nourish and not harm. Some companies may try to pass their food off as healthy by using deceptive packaging, labeling or advertising.
Learning to read labels and understanding them will be one step in making sure the food you are consuming is not processed, stuffed full of chemicals and unnatural coloring or flavors, or with artificial sweeteners. These types of food make it so that your body no longer can hear itself. That means you are not going to get hunger or fullness signals. With out these signals, you may find yourself overeating or craving foods that are unhealthy. How can we change this if this has already become your cycle?
"But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest. when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." 1 Corinthians 9:27. This being said, I believe that as well as getting healthy in our eating, we must also get healthy physically. Never start an exercise program without first consulting with your doctor, but once you have, start easy. It is in gaining physical strength that you strengthen your emotional and mental strength.
Becoming physical helps your body to come into line with what God wants for our temple. As we begin an approved exercise program, our body begins to become the servant, and we, the master. Day to day activity makes us tired and can weaken us, but our spirit never tires. As we bring ourselves back into alignment with God in regards to our temple, we are better able to do the things God calls us to. Physical activity increases our endurance and flexibility so that we can respond to the tough things God demands at times.
Now, we have to realize that this will not be an overnight change. We didn't get where we are overnight, and we aren't going to reverse or change it overnight. No quick fixes contrary to all the advertisements we see. Yes in 30 days you can be stronger doing any type of exercise, but in 30 days your never going to look like the people in the infomercials we are bombarded with all the time. We want it to be true but just like the little kid in the care continuously asking, "are we there yet," it won't make the journey any faster.
We must practice the patience that God talks about in His word. In Hebrews 6:12, we are taught that patience is a fruit of the spirit. We must exercise it to grow it. When we do this, we are less likely to fall victim to that frustration that can set in when we don't see the immediate results the infomercials throw at us all the time. I just started running again and I am not fast by any means, but the phrase that runs through my head while I am running is, "slow and steady wins the race." I am not trying to win any race, I am just trying to finish strong. And to get healthier along the way.
I do this by setting small goals for myself. The first day I went out, my goal was just to walk a certain distance. I did that for a few days, and I felt good once I completed that. My other goal was to start adding more fruits and vegi's into my diet. I did that to. They may not seem significant, but they are a start. I try to keep track of what I eat daily in a journal. This helps me to look back and see what I am eating, it also holds me accountable for what I am putting into my temple. These little things begin to add up, and I am feeling better and stronger everyday.
So set the small goals, enjoy trying new foods, new exercises, just getting outside and being in nature. You will notice changes like you are getting stronger, you have more energy and your body is changing. You might see muscles where you never knew you had any. You will notice that you can walk farther without losing your breath. These little things are the gentle reminders that you made a right choice in getting healthy the right way. You may never be a size 4 or whatever it is society claims is beautiful, but you will be healthier, happier and better able to enjoy your life.
Remember to ask God to give you the wisdom to make right choices. Consult your doctor and/or a dietician to make sure you are properly fueling your body. Again it won't happen overnight, but one day you will wake up and feel better than you did when you started. Many blessings on you today and in your journey. God bless.
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