Saturday, October 27, 2012

In Christ Alone

In today's society, it is easy to place our trust in many things. We trust that we will have a job everyday, we trust in the bank that has our money, we trust in those who are in our daily lives, our health, friends even the president of the United States. But in an instant, all of this could be gone.We could lose our job, money, home, health and even family and friends. Where would that leave you???
In our small group recently, we asked the question, would you serve others even if it meant your life or the life of your family? The example given was of those who took in and hid the Jewish people during the Nazi reign in Germany. People made choices to harbor Jewish persons even knowing that if they were caught, they and their family would be killed. So I have been asking myself if I could make this choice.
When look at my family, its hard for me to say that I would do this knowing anyone in my family could be killed. That includes my grandchildren. And if I were to answer honestly, I don't know that I could.
Then the question I posed to myself was what if I were asked to deny Christ or lose my family? But I thought, if I deny Christ, wouldn't I lose my family anyway? I mean, wouldn't I or they be sepereated for eternity? If I chose to deny Him and then we all go on with our lives, wouldn't that in itself seperate me from Him?
I asked some others about their opinion on this and they said, if faced with either denying Christ or having your family killed, you could always say you did but not really mean it. Well, wouldn't that make us like Peter? He to was faced with a choice, deny Christ or be crucified or killed with Him. I am by no means comparing myself with Peter, but it does pose an interesting question.
SO??? What do you think? What would your choice be? Would you deny Christ, help those who were going to be sent to concentration camps, save your own life and deny His? Just wondering what others think on this. Please feel free to comment and let me know. I would really like to go deeper with this.
I don't doubt my God, His work or His abilities. I just pose this question in light of recent events happening in our world today where our rights as Christian's are slowly being taken away. I would not have known this if Rachel had not shared this on FB. Please look into it for yourself and be informed or I truly believe, the scenario's we saw in Germany could become reality here in the USA.
I will not place my trust in man but in Christ Alone.

1 comment:

  1. Dear God, Please allow me to continue to grow. Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed in my life. Amen.
